Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Meaning of Pro-Life

Pro-Life is SO much more than Anti-Abortion.

It is for every life - the down-syndrome, the homeless, the druggie, the refuge, the convicted rapist and murderer.

It is more than a political talking point or side of a social media argument.

It is how we treat -with respect and love- those with opposing political and social views and ideals, the liberal, the homosexual, the woman who has had an abortion, the if-it-weren't-for-grace-so-would-I.

It is an active investment of our money, our time, our homes, our lives in the messy, broken, hurting lives of people.

Only when we actually live Pro-Life will we be given the platform to explain why life is so precious. When our actions mirror that of Christ's, not motivated by duty, but like His, motivated by love will we be able to speak into the hearts of these lives around us . . .

You are beautifully made in the image of God.
You matter.
You were created with a purpose.

Because of that . . .

You have worth.
You are significant.
You are loved.

All of us, whom He has given life, are important.

Whether it is the cashier at the grocery or the neighbor across the street - God has placed people, lives, all around us to touch, to reach out to with love, to show that we are Pro-Life.

Or maybe we just need to realize, that being Pro-Life should shape how we treat the migrant worker without questioning if he is here illegally or not judging the teen who doesn't understand her value to God and dresses provocatively.

When you say you're Pro-Life, take a moment to consider what that really means.

When you claim to be Pro-Life, be more than anti-abortion . . .

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